
This international standard defines the scope and key concepts of a representation model for a live actor and entity (LAE) to be included in a mixed and augmented reality (MAR) world. The relevant terms and their definitions, and a generalized system architecture, together serve as a reference model for MAR applications, components, systems, services, and specifications. It defines representing and rendering a LAE in a MAR world, and interaction interfaces between a LAE and objects in a MAR world. It defines a set of principles, concepts, and functionalities for a LAE applicable to the complete range of current and future MAR standards. This reference model establishes the set of required modules and their minimum functions, the associated information content, and the information models that shall be provided and/or be supported by a compliant MAR system. It includes (but is not limited to) the following content:

  • Scope, which defines the extent which this standard intends to cover
  • Normative references, which identify other standards documents indispensable to the application of this document
  • Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms that apply to including a LAE in a MAR world
  • An introduction to the Mixed and Augmented Reality standards domain and concepts
  • A representation model for including a LAE in a MAR world
  • 3D modeling, rendering, and simulation of a LAE in a MAR world
  • Attributes of a LAE in a MAR world
  • Sensing representation of a LAE in a MAR world
  • Representation of the interfaces for controlling a LAE in a MAR world
  • Functionalities and base components for controlling a LAE in a MAR world
  • Interactive interfaces between a LAE and a MAR world
  • Interface with other MAR components
  • Relationship to other standards
  • Use cases

The objectives of this work are as follows:

  • Provide a reference model for LAE representation-based MAR applications
  • Manage and control a LAE with its properties in a MAR environment
  • Integration of a LAE into a 2D and/or 3D virtual scene in a MAR world
  • Interaction of a LAE with a 2D and/or 3D virtual scene in a MAR world
  • Provide an exchange format necessary for transferring and storing data between LAE-based MAR applications

This International Standard has the following document structure:

In the prologue, the Foreword identifies the organization, and its nature, responsible for the establishment of the standard and the pertaining document publication. The Introduction gives a brief overview of the purpose and content of the document.

The main body of ISO/IEC 18040 is comprised of:

  1. Scope defines the extent which this standard intends to cover.
  2. Normative References identifies any normative references to related standards.
  3. Terms, Definitions, and Abbreviated Terms lists and defines important terminologies and abbreviations for the respective domain of the
  4. Concep ts of LAE Representation in MAR describe the concepts of LAE-based systems represented in MAR.
  5. LAE Capturer and Sensor illustrates how a sensor captures a LAE in a physical world and a virtual world.
  6. Tracker and Spatial Mapper for a LAE describe mechanisms to track the position of a LAE and specifies the role of a spatial mapper between physical space and the MAR space.
  7. Recognizer and Events Mapper of a LAE describe mechanisms to recognize the behaviour of a LAE and specifies an association or event between a MAR event of a LAE and the condition specified by the MAR content creator.
  8. Scene Representation for a LAE describes a scene, which consists of a virtual scene, sensing data, a spatial scene, events, targets, for a LAE.
  9. Renderer describes how the MAR world system renders the scene, LAE mapping, event, for presentation output on a given display device.
  10. Display and UI describes types of displays, including monitors, head mounted displays, projectors, haptic devices, and sound output devices for displaying a LAE in a MAR world.
  11. Extension to Virtual Live Actor and Entity identifies and describes virtual LAE, such as virtual 3D model (avatar) and virtual LAE, such as real human model in a MAR system.
  12. System Performance makes statements regarding any system performance related issues of a LAE in MAR.
  13. Safety makes statements regarding any operational safety related issues of a LAE in MAR.
  14. Conformance makes statements regarding any conformance related issues of a LAE in MAR.

ISO/IEC 18040 contains annexes:

  1. Use Case Examples gives examples of representative LAE representation systems in MAR.

Bibliography lists all external references.


This International Standard, Live Actor and Entity Representation in Mixed and Augmented Reality, defines a reference model and base components for representing and controlling a single LAE or multiple LAEs in a MAR world. It defines concepts, a reference model, system framework, functions, and how to integrate a 2D/3D virtual world and LAEs, and their interfaces, in order to provide MAR applications with interfaces of LAEs. It also defines an exchange format necessary for transferring and storing LAE-related data between LAE-based MAR applications.

This International Standard specifies the following functionalities:

  1. Definitions for a LAE in MAR
  2. Representation of a LAE
  3. Representation of properties of a LAE
  4. Sensing of a LAE in a physical world
  5. Integration of a LAE into a 2D/3D virtual scene
  6. Interaction between a LAE and objects in a 2D/3D virtual scene
  7. Transmission of information related to a LAE in a MAR world

This International Standard defines a reference model for LAE representation-based MAR applications to represent and to exchange data related to LAEs in a 2D/3D virtual scene in a MAR world. It does not define specific physical interfaces necessary for manipulating LAEs. That is, it does not define how specific applications shall implement a specific LAE in a MAR world, but rather defines common functional interfaces for representing LAEs that can be used interchangeably between MAR applications.

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